This sermon, delivered just before Eid al-Adha, reminds us of the deep significance of Hajj. The great annual gathering of pilgrims from all over the world recalls an even greater gathering before time when every human soul bore witness to Allah's Divine Sovereignty: "Bala shahidna!" The outward ritual of journeying to the Noble Sanctuary thus corresponds, with Allah's help, to an inward journey toward remembrance of our true nature and station. The pilgrim's call of "Labbayk Allahumma labbayk!" ("At Your service oh Allah!") echoes the soul's primordial attestation. It is the worldly counterpart to the acknowledgment that He is our Lord, and we are His humble servants. Sheikh Abdal Hakim explains the kissing of the Black Stone in this context, and describes the fundamental tranquility brought about this great journey of remembering and submission. May we all be able, God willing, to journey to Mecca and receive the treasure of inward transformation that is the gift of travelling as humble supplicants to Allah's earthly court.
Image: 'Meccacentric' by Lateefa Spiker. Used with permission.
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