We're temporarily out of bandwidth this month, so if you are trying to download any talks you should be able to do it from April 1. Apologies for any inconvenience. We're looking into upgrading or changing our file hosting to avoid this problem in the future.
We've got a lot of great sermons and lessons coming up, including Sheikh Faraz's talk we promised a few weeks ago (sorry, tech goblins temporarily ate it!) and some very moving sermons from Sheikh Abdal Hakim. So please check back soon once the downloads are flowing freely once more inshaAllah!
The Life of Hazrat Shah Shahidullah Faridi

The last few centuries have seen many an Englishman and Englishwoman convert to Islam. Prominent figures in the modern Muslim collective consciousness, their journeys into the faith have often-time been sources of amazement and wonder to all who would hear them. And yet one would be hard pressed to find an account more stirring and more beautiful than that of John Gilbert Lennard. Born in 1915 into an upper class family, Lennard's heart was turned towards Islam after reading Imam Hujwiri's Kashf al-Mahjub.
In this memorable circle Sheikh Abdal Hakim traces out Shah Shahidullah's life, from the spires of Oxford to the slums of Karachi, from the world of Wodehouse to the realm of Data Ganj Baksh, Baba Fareed Ganjshakar and his own Sheikh, Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Zauqi Shah
In an age of scepticism and doubt, the life of Shah Shahidullah Faridi stands out as a beacon of light, a proof of the spiritual way and the heights that man can reach when he sets out with sincerity on the path towards the Divine.
May Allah accept Shah Shahidullah's efforts and prayers in this life, and grant him the heights of paradise and proximity to the ones he loves in the next. Ameen.
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Islam & Extremism (Arabic)

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The Idol Within

It is relatively easy not to be seduced into the worship of idols in the obvious sense - bits of wood and stone, statues of powerless 'gods'. How much more dangerous and harder to avoid are the numerous other ways we distract ourselves from our true, natural orientation to the One and Only God. In this sermon, Sheikh Abdal Hakim warns us against 'dividing the qibla' by placing our own desires and self-satisfaction before our efforts to worship Allah, and describes some ways the scholars have recommended to avoid this 'hidden shirk'.
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Duty To God

This is the first of a pair of talks we were blessed to hear in Cambridge recently on the topic of 'Duty To God, Duty To Society'. In this first part Sheikh Jihad Brown discusses our duty to Allah in light of how we orient ourselves toward Him with courage, consciousness and authenticity. InshaAllah we will post the second of these talks, given by Sheikh Faraz Rabbani, later this week.
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Download Notes/Transcript (docx, 805kb)
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