
The Ship of Salvation Pt. 1

Talk by Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad - Hounslow - April 2003 - 1 hr 06 mins 06 secs


This is the first of a three-part recording in which Sheikh Abdal Hakim discusses the work of Imam al-Ghazali (may Allah be pleased with him) and its relevance to our situation today. He reflects on the significance of some of the 'deep structures' of Islam, and how it is designed, by Allah's Mercy, to carry humanity safely through the storms of history. The sheikh reminds us that despite the anger and fear that sometimes threatens to overwhelm the Muslim community, we can find reassurance in the divinely-endowed resilience and generosity of Allah's final religion.

This talk was originally given at Hounslow Jamia Masjid at an event called 'Reviving the Ihyaa', organised by the now (I believe) sadly defunct Light Study group. You can see the original video here. To the best of my knowledge, there is a new organisation doing similar work in the same area, called the West London School of Islamic Sciences, about which you may be interested in finding about or to which you might like to donate.

A big thank you to brother Junaid, who sent in this recording, may Allah reward him.

Listen to this talk

Download this talk (MP3, 60.5 MB)

UPDATE - the video for the 'Reviving the Ihyaa' event is actually up here on the WLSIS website and they have some other great resources on their Multimedia page.


Anonymous said...


Here's a noise reduced and more tweak of this talk. I might have pushed the NR too much; if so I'll do it again.

Keep 'em coming!


safian said...

Assalaamu alaikum

To some degree, lightstudy has indeed evolved into wlsis.

I'd highly recommend anyone in the area to benefit from the regular classes at the institute from some fantastic teachers mashaAllah
