In the past days and weeks people all over the world have been following the events in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere. The people's struggle for freedom inspires hope, but the dangers they face provoke fear and anxiety. Many question the role of religion in such difficult circumstances. Some fear mixing politics and religion. Others criticise the absence of leadership from religious figures, and say the ulema are out-dated and irrelevant. In this sermon, Sheikh Abdal Hakim provides a timely reminder of the fundamental importance for our leaders of 'enjoining the good and forbidding the bad' (amr bi-l-ma'ruf wa-nahy 'an al-muhkar) - so important that Imam al-Ghazali called it 'the greatest pillar' (al-rukn al-'azim) of the religion.
Among the many great scholars and saints who have discharged this weighty responsibility, despite the grave threat to their livelihoods and even their lives, Sheikh Abdal Hakim mentions Hasan Kaimi Baba of Bosnia, Sheikh al-Hasan al-Yusi of Morocco and Sheikh Amadou Bamba of Senegal. They were true followers of the Prophetic example, because they resisted injustice and oppression. May Allah grant our leaders, our scholars and us ourselves the determination to do the same, and may He in His All-Encompassing Mercy guide and protect the people of Tunisia, Egypt and all over the world wherever they face cruelty, corruption and repression.
Ya Qawiyyu ya Matin ikfi sharr al-zalimin, aslah Allah umur al-muslimin, sarraf Allah sharr al-mu'dhin.
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Assalamu alaikum,
I just want to say thank you for going to the trouble of recording and uploading these lectures. I am a foreign student living alone in Japan and these lectures are a great source of guidance. I hope you continue to upload many more lectures in the future. I really do appreciate this.
A student
Aameen Summa Aameen
I would like to also add my thanks and dua to the uploader of these lectures. Jazaakum Allah Khair. As the student above, I'm a foreign student that inshaAllajh benifits from these efforts.
Peace and LOVE :)
Asallam Aralykoum
Thank you again and baraka Allah for the job and the khotba youre sharing with us
Salam Alaykoum
Thx for sharing this knowledge, it's a brilliant talk and hope we will all benefit from it incha Allah
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