Selam a lekum Thank you for the excellent talk, food for the soul, food for the heart in this blessed month. By the way, my compliments on the excellent recording.. :)
May Allah (sbut) reward you infinitessimally for all your work and efforts and make the Cambridge Mosque a reality. Ameen.
thank you selam a lekeum hamid staten island, new york, US
Selam a lekum
Thank you for the excellent talk, food for the soul, food for the heart in this blessed month. By the way, my compliments on the excellent recording.. :)
May Allah (sbut) reward you infinitessimally for all your work and efforts and make the Cambridge Mosque a reality. Ameen.
thank you
selam a lekeum
staten island, new york, US
God reward the Sheikh and Cambridge Khutbas for this essential service.
Not sure if this will be useful -- I made an attempt to remove the noise in the following edited version:
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